About Me

About Me

Thank you for visiting my blog.

My entire lifetime, i have straddled two worlds. One, enables me to live in the society with certificates and identity cards for survival.

The other world, which occupies a bigger part of me is driven by existential questions and seeking for decades. I was 17 when i started looking for answers to the three most haunting questions – “Who am i? Why am i? Where from am i?” This other world which is termed ‘spiritual’ drives me and this is where my roots are. The inverted tree is at the moment, my closest moniker. The inverted tree of the shamans urges us to live our true roots and follow inner voice in the NOW, rather than bury them.

My true profession and work is that of an explorer of healing. In the near past, i have worked with companies, largely as a content writer and a corporate communication professional.

Enjoy reading my blog and please feel free to share your views.